- Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Cairo, Egypt invites sealed bids for hiring of services of an event management company/event organizer (registered in Egypt) for organizing of 4th Pakistan-Africa Trade Development Conference (PATDC) and Single Country Exhibition (SCE) scheduled from 9th January-11th January 2024 at Egypt International Exhibition Centre, Cairo, Egypt.
- Biding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions along with the list of services are available for
the interested bidders at the address given below.Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure would be used to Open Competitive Bidding as per PPRA Rules 36 (b).
Bid Security equivalent to 2% of the total bid value in the form of Pay Order/Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque in favor of Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Cairo, Egypt shall be submitted with the sealed proposal. Bids without the Bid Security will be rejected. - The sealed bids, prepared in English language and in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, and complete in all respects must reach at the address given below on or before 30th October, 2023 on 11:00 AM.
- Bids will be opened the same day at 11:30 AM. This advertisement is also available on the offcial website of the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan, Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Egypt, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan, and Public Procurement Regulatory Authority.
- https://www.commerce.gov.pk
- http://pakistanembassycairo.org
- http://tdap.gov.pk
- http://ppra.org.pk