The Embassy of Pakistan observed Kashmir Siege Day on August 5, 2020. A day earlier, the local media (both English & Arabic) were invited to the Embassy for a PowerPoint presentation on the situation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK), and underscore the for the world to call out India for its blatant human rights violations.
Later in the evening, videos and presentations on the human rights violations in IIOJK were projected on the Embassy walls and a TV screen mounted on the street corner inside the Embassy wall.
On August 5, the Embassy Officers and Staff observed a minute silence in solidarity with the Kashmiris who continue to face Indian brutality with bravery, resilience, and perseverance. On the occasion, messages of the President and the Prime Minister were read out, to underscore Pakistan’s unflinching support to the people of Kashmir for the rightful cause of self-determination.
The people and government of Pakistan will use all fora to extend diplomatic, moral, and political support to the Kashmiris for the realization of their aspirations.